Wow…what a crazy year 2020 has been. As we continue to navigate this pandemic and figure out what’s best for each of us, I want to share with you some of the policies and proceeds I have put in place to keep your family safe, as well as my own.
Social Distance
I will be booking sessions only at locations that are easy to social distance from others. I will be maintaining social distancing with families by shooting with a longer lens so that I can stay 6 feet away for the majority of the session. I will also not be touching you when posing. There may be times when I need to get closer for a close-up shot. I’m happy to wear a mask or skip these close-up photos for anyone who prefers.
No Contact
As much as I look forward to seeing each of my amazing families each year, I will be skipping out on big hugs and high fives. We will just have to air hug from afar!
Sanitize and Hand Washing
I constantly wash my hands and sanitize my equipment. (Just take a peek and my chapped, dry hands!). I also have hand sanitizer in my camera bag to use between clients and for anyone who needs it.
Masks Wearing
For outdoor sessions I will have my mask handy. I will put on a mask for any time I feel we cannot maintain a safe, 6 feet distance. I am also happy to wear a mask the entire time at your request.
I am still booking Newborn and family sessions at home for all families that prefer to be at home instead of a public place. Please share with me your comfort level prior to our session.
Mask Wearing
For all in-home sessions I will be wearing a mask the entire time I am in your home. You do not need to be wearing your mask. However, if any other family members are in your home, that are not part of the photo session, I do ask that they put on their masks.
Prior to our session I will sanitize all of my equipment. My hands will be washed and through out our session I will continue to sanitize my hands. I will not bring any props, blankets, or swaddles for newborn sessions and will only use what you have on hand.
For Clients
- If you or anyone in your family isn’t feeling well, running a fever, or having any symptoms please reschedule
- Please reschedule if you have been in contact with anyone in the last 14 days who has tested positive for Covid
- Don’t be shy about telling me if your comfort level differs from anything listed above, I am happy to work within your own family’s boundaries